
Ceramics III: Surface Intensive
Instructor: Anna Freeman
Explore a range of techniques to be able to create rich, layered ceramic surfaces. This intermediate/advanced course will have demonstrations that focus on a different clay surface design technique. Topics covered in the course include, mono printing, screen printing, linocut stamping and printing, stencils, bisque stamps, sgraffito, and a weekend saggar firing. Students will be provided with surface materials to test each technique and are required to purchase a basic ceramics tool kit (available at Michael’s or Jerry’s Artarama). All clay must be purchased through MOCA.
Members $275, Nonmembers $290

Thursdays, 6:30 – 9:30pm
January 17 to March 21 (No class February 14)

Saturday, 10-4pm
March 9, Saggar Firing

10 Weeks; Intermediate – Advanced