
Mixed Media Combo

Instructor: Janet Lynn Eggen

Learn how to combine pen and ink with watercolor (and colored pencil if you choose) in a composition using your choice of subject matter of still life, landscape, or portrait. Through demonstration, handouts and practice, pen and ink skills will be learned for embellishment or detail on a watercolor painting as well as color theory, mixing and blending, application, brushwork and composition. Focus will be first on acquiring knowledge of materials and techniques. The combined skills can be used in a sketchbook or journal or for any other artistic endeavor. Students will work from their own imagination, resource photos or other materials. Basic drawing experience in your choice of subject matter is necessary. Watercolor knowledge is useful, but not required.

Members $140, Nonmembers $155

January 17 to March 7
Thursdays, 12:30-3:00 pm
8 Weeks; Intermediate to Advance